Use of integrated software for plastics technology VISI Series of VERO International.
- CAO parts :
Construction and importing of complex forms,
- MOLD module :
molds design and importing of libraries of components and accessories from the main suppliers of elements for molds,
- FAO module :
export of definitions for the manufacture of elements.
Exchange of files :
- Import/export compatible with market standards.
- The 3D modeller is based on the PARASOLID kernel. All software built on this kernel are compatible in native mode; the extension of the files is then .x..t, particularly UGS, Solid-Edge, SolidWork, TopSolid . the list is not exhaustive.
- Import/export :PARASOLID, IGES, CATIA, PRO-Engineer, STL, STEP, VDA, SAT,
- Export in STL format, compatible prototyping machine.
For a first exchange, it is always useful to make an import/export trial to validate together the parameters of configuration according to the versions being used.